Magical Instruments and Accessories
Magical instruments and accessories were always hugely important in rituals. The altar, the chalice, the tripod, the censer, the sword, the lamp, the chalice, the magic fork, the sacred fire, consecrated oils, candles and incense were all crucial to magical rituals.
The altar can be made from stone or wood, and the chalice could be made from various metals which would symbolise the object of the ritual. A black chalice would be used for evil, and some were engraved with a picture of the moon. Symbolic metals were also used for the tripod and its triangular stand. The censer would usually be made from silver, although some were formed from bronze. Gold, silver, iron and brass were used to construct lamps and various symbols would be traced onto it including the Sign of Solomon and a serpent.
The rod would also be fashioned using particular woods, and a straight branch of hazel or almond would be chosen. A long needle of iron would run through its length and a triangular prism would be attached to one end. There would be copper and zinc rings tied around it, and a magician would consecrate it at new moon. Magicians guarded the secrets of how to make and consecrate magical rods very carefully, and they often hid their rods inside their flowing sleeves.
The sword would be made from unalloyed steel, and it would always have a copper handle in the shape of a crucifix. It would be consecrated on a Sunday in the sun's rays. Each sword would be plunged into a fire of laurel and cypress and then wet with snake's blood. Swords like this were usually used to perform Black Magic.
The magic fork was always created from hazel or almond, and witches and sorcerers are often illustrated using the fork in their infernal rituals. The oil used was made from myrrh, galingale, cinnamon, and pure olive oil. Candles were only used in rituals of Black Magic and they were formed from human fat and set in candlesticks of ebony. Bowls were also used during magical rites, and their shape symbolised the heavens.
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