Dalton, Thomas
Not much is known about this alchemist, but he lived during the fifteenth century. He was mentioned in the 'Ordinall of Alchimy' by Thomas Norton, so he was probably his pupil of a friend to him. Dalton was a churchman and he lived at a Gloucester abbey. He was once presented to King Edward IV and accused of practicing magic (a capital crime at the time).
He was accused by a man called Debois, to whom Dalton has once acted as chaplain, and he claimed to have seen him create a thousand pounds of pure gold in just one day.
Edward granted Dalton his freedom and gave him enough money for his journey home, but he was taken by Thomas Herbert on the way. Herbert was curious about the accusations and imprisoned him in Gloucester Castle where he tried to lure the secret of his magical practices from him. Dalton refused to tell, and was condemned to death. Just as he was about to be beheaded, Dalton implored God to receive his soul, and then a strange thing happened. Herbert changed his mind, and admitted to have hoped Dalton would confess his secrets before his murder. He freed him, and Dalton lived out his life in the abbey in Gloucestershire.
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