Odour of Sanctity
Odour of Sanctity : this is an,
as yet, unexplained, beautiful, unearthly scent that is said to exude from
a number of holy persons and certain European Saints. Two ladies
said to have exhibited this phenomena include: The Blessed Maria degli
Angeli, an 18th century Italian nun, who could be traced throughout her
convent by her beautiful smell. Non of the other sisters in the
convent exuded this smell and Maria was so embarrassed by the whole thing,
that she would place foul smelling objects nearby, but to no avail.
The second lady, was Sister Giovanna Maria della Croce. At Rovereto
in Italy in 1625 she took her symbolic wedding vows to Christ by
putting on a wedding ring, however from that moment onwards a beautiful
scent exuded from her finger. Allegedly, even items that she touched
were left with a lingering smell for several days. Eventually
through time her whole body began to exude this beautiful, unearthly,
fragrance and her clothes would retain the smell long after she had
finished wearing them.
Source: Dr.
Karl P. N. Schuker, The Unexplained, Carlton Books Limited (1997)
ISBN: 1-85868-384
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