Occam's Razor
Occam's Razor : is a
principal of always preferring the simplest explanation of events to any
other. The principal of Occam's razor is attributed to William of
Occam, although there were philosophers before him that had previously
employed its use.
The principal states: "a person should not increase, beyond what is
necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything, or that
the person should not make more assumptions than the minimum needed. This
principle is often called the principle of parsimony."
The principal has played a major role in getting rid of fictitious or
unnecessary elements from explanations since as far back as the Middle
Ages. Bertrand Russell and other logicians got rid of traditional
metaphysical concepts by employing the use of Occam's Razor.
There is however some skepticism as to the extent to which the principal
can be applied; especially regarding whether or not a person can determine
without any doubt that the assumptions or given entities are not needed in
an explanation.
Source: Information taken from an extract in the Grolier Encyclopedia.
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