NDE's (Near Death Experiences)
NDE's (Near Death
Experiences) : this
phenomenon is usually experienced when someone is really close to death.
Often persons who have experienced a near death experience report a
feeling of having left their physical body, moving through a darkness or
tunnel, encountering the presences of deceased loved ones, and sometimes
other entities which have been likened to both God and the Devil.
Often an all embracing and describable light or menacing darkness
is reported. After regaining
consciousness and the ability to communicate, most persons who have
encountered a near death experience often say that the event was totally
life changing. They often
report that they have glimpsed the whole meaning of life or have been
imparted with information far beyond ordinary human capabilities.
On the whole most persons report that a near death
experience is quite joyful, although there have been some reports to the
contrary. Some experience the
feeling of looking at their body as they hover over it (see astral
projection). In certain
cases people can report in detail what was going on around them while they
were classed as dead. Many
have been able to describe detailed surgical procedures and what was said
during their resuscitation.
In the more rare cases persons have been known to receive information that
they previously had no knowledge. They may have found out that they were adopted, or that they
had hidden parentage and even deceased siblings.
Others recall messages that they received from persons in the
darkness. Many hear, or are
made to understand that, 'it is not their time yet' and that they
still have things to do on the earthly plane.
It is often at this point that people feel albeit reluctant desire
to return to their bodies. A
near death experience can also involve the feeling of reaching a boundary
- a cliff, fence, water or some point that must be crossed if the person
is to return to their life.
See also afterlife,
projection, life
after death.
Source: Information, quotations and inspiration for this topic taken from an article by Andrew Brown called - Is there Life After Death - which appeared in the Daily Express - Wednesday 19 December 2001.
Useful Links
of Psychic Studies
Association for Near Death Studies
After Life - Raymond A. Moody PhD. M.D.
Death Experiences & The Afterlife
Recommended Reading
Projection FAQ Section
Richard Craze - A Beginners Guide to Astral Projection
by Hodder & Stoughton 1999 - ISBN: 0340 737557
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