Astrology n : a form of fortune telling or counseling for the individual, which is done through the interpretation of the motions, movements and positions of celestial objects.
The most commonly known form of astrology is based around the zodiac. Depending upon when an individual is born he or she is allotted a star sign (a symbol denoting an animal or object or both), which corresponds to various patterns of celestial objects. There are twelve star signs in total and there is one for each month of the year in which an individual is born. the collective name for these twelve signs is the zodiac. A reading or prediction from the zodiac is called a horoscope. The Chinese use a similar method of fortune telling and have their own form of zodiac, which corresponds to the year of an individual's birth this is the Chinese Horoscope.
For Chinese star signs click the link.
For General star signs click the link.
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